woman in black tube top sitting on chair

Contact Us

Get in touch for beauty and relaxation inquiries and appointments.


Visit us at Glamour Spa Massage for rejuvenating treatments in a serene environment designed for your beauty and relaxation.


164 Mile End road E1 4LJ

London Stepney Green


Monday: 11am – 11pm

Tuesday: 11am – 11pm

Wednesday: 11am – 11pm

Thursday: 11am – 11pm

Friday: 11am – 11pm

Saturday: 11am – 11pm

Sunday: 12pm – 10pm

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Glamour Spa Massage is my go-to for relaxation and beauty treatments. Highly recommend their services!

Emily R.

The scene features the entrance of a spa with red-brown tiled walls. There is greenery in the form of potted plants, adding a touch of nature to the setting. A sign reads 'LOESS SPA' with additional information in smaller text. Stylish elements like the gold emblem and minimalist decor create an elegant atmosphere.
The scene features the entrance of a spa with red-brown tiled walls. There is greenery in the form of potted plants, adding a touch of nature to the setting. A sign reads 'LOESS SPA' with additional information in smaller text. Stylish elements like the gold emblem and minimalist decor create an elegant atmosphere.

The atmosphere is calming, and the staff are incredibly skilled. A truly rejuvenating experience every time!

James T.

A beauty technician carefully performs a skincare procedure on a woman, who is lying down with her hair pulled back and face covered in a transparent mask. The technician is wearing gloves and holding a precision tool, working under a bright ring light.
A beauty technician carefully performs a skincare procedure on a woman, who is lying down with her hair pulled back and face covered in a transparent mask. The technician is wearing gloves and holding a precision tool, working under a bright ring light.